
Amrita PHR (Save a Life +) is a new cutting edge innovation launched by Amrita - the Amrita Personal Health Record. This is a user centric encrypted application that can be carried by the user in the form of a wristband or fashionable jewelry – carries critical medical information including DICOM images from previous investigations, mother-child care history, allergy and medication information. The concept is that individuals can take care of their own health record, as well as allow medical staff to access life saving data in emergencies.

Emergency Access For Doctor

Emergency access

With Amrita PHR, doctors can access your most critical information such as medical history, recent lab reports, allergies and prescription drugs through a special
log-in in the event of a medical emergency where every second counts in which you are not able to communicate and your dear ones are out of reach. read more...

Amrita Personal Health Records using Anywhere in the World

Your Amrita PHR Personal Health Record makes it possible for you to access your medical records and vital documents anytime from anywhere. Now you can travel anywhere in the world with you no matter where you are for invaluable peace of mind. read more...


Personal EMR and Home Monitoring

EMR Monitoring

Amrita PHR makes it easy for you to manage your medical records. Now you can upload and analyze data from home monitoring devices such as blood pressure cuff, and remind yourself of your doctor's instruction from your last appointment. read more...